What to Expect at the Community Church

I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church.For you and I are children of one religion, and it is the spirit.–Khalil Gibran
Curious? Seeking some spirit in your life? Looking for a community of changemakers and loving disciples?
Come for a Sunday service this week! Our Sanctuary Service begins at 10 am upstairs, and our second service gathers downstairs at The Table at 12 noon. Come early if you like, get comfortable, rest in the peace of God here.
We come dressed casually, comfortably, and all are welcomed and greeted in gratitude and friendship. There are plenty of places to sit, and nobody here has a ‘claim’ to one pew or another. We’ll be glad to meet you and know you!
As an Open & Affirming Congregation, we are determined to create a safe and generous space for all of our siblings in faith, every single sister, every single brother who comes to pray, to find peace, to connect with us. You’ll experience that sense of respect and care the moment you step through our doors!
We celebrate the Feast of Communion at least once a month–and for us it’s a lively celebration of God’s goodness and grace, and an invitation to generous sharing, global justice and praise. Wherever you are on life’s journey, whatever questions you bring, you’re welcome to share the feast with us, if you wish. No pressure. No expectations. If it’s meaningful to you, join in!

Our vision is an intergenerational community of love and service–where we learn together, where we serve and grow in faith, where we change the world for the good! Children are dear to us, and bring gifts and energies we dearly need in the church. We hope you’ll bring yours to worship!

Most often, your children will join you in church for the first 15 to 20 minutes of our 10 am worship service. Pastor Dave then invites them to the front for a short story or lesson. And at that point, most of our children go off to Sunday School with Director of Education Kristin Forselius and other teachers.
Kristin directs a program that is encouraging and fun, involving our young friends in conversation, activity and a game or two. They grow in appreciation for biblical story and the ethics of love and respect that guide us at the Community Church.
Again, your children can come dressed casually, nothing fancy here. You’re welcome to come a little early, meet folks at the door, find a comfortable place to sit together. All kinds of families are active in this community, and leaders here too. So know you’ll be welcomed with joy!

Moving forward, we think of our program as one that ‘raises up changemakers’ for loving lives that make the world a better place. Your children will find all kinds of opportunities here–for hands-on service, for learning about key social and justice issues, and for developing confidence and courage for life and faith.
If you’ve got questions before you visit, and you’d like to know more about our program with children and youth, feel free to be in touch with Kristin Forselius, Director of Education, at 603-868-1230.